Friday, March 12, 2010

Mystery Buzz

Police buzz in to solve vibrator mystery

A woman phoned police after hearing "suspicious noises" in her flat, but much to her embarrassment officers found the source was a vibrator, authorities say.
The noise was so loud and strange, even over the telephone, that police in Bochum in western Germany decided to send a patrol car around to the "scene of the crime", a statement said.

"Daringly, and with the occupier's permission, one of the officers opened the drawer of a wardrobe where the noise was coming from.

"Underneath some clothes he found a very personal, battery-operated object which had obviously switched itself on... The tenant's face abruptly changed colour."

Police then "wished her a nice evening and left"

Crash While Shaving

According to an Australian news source a woman here in the United States, in the grand old state of Florida , was at the wheel of a car that crashed.
Why did it crash? Because she gave her ex-husband the wheel while she shaved her girly bits. She crashed into the back of a truck.
This gives new meaning to the phrase " busy beaver".
The police came and the woman who must've had a super-case of "DUH" decided to switch seats with her ex-husband so it looked as if she wasn't driving.
To prove she was truly half-baked the woman was on 9 months probation for a DUI, and thus should not have been driving in the first place.
I guess the cop who pulled her over after she crashed into the truck could've arrested her for "Wreckless endangerment of wild life (beaver)."